Thursday, July 12, 2012


     Finally have a (rough) schedule figured out for the time I'll be here. Language class is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings- let's hear it for sleeping in! My other classes- Russian "culture" class and one I'm sitting in on called Language, Music and the Mind- are M/W/F from 2pm til 6pm. I have one supplementary class Thursday afternoon from 2:30 - 3:30, but that's just background info on Russia (today we covered the election process and a rough overview of governmental structure). That leaves me a good amount of time where I can go exploring, listen to people talk, and work on some other things I want to do. There are whisperings of weekend trips, but aside from an optional Moscow trip, nothing is set in stone yet.

     I've already gotten a chance to head down to Dom Knigi (House of Books), which I've been waiting 2 years to get back to, and I got myself a pretty decent all-Russian dictionary. This morning on the bus to school, I wrote down random words that I saw and didn't know, so I suspect I may get lost in a dictionary hunt later tonight. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm looking forward to it! The atmosphere is so much more relaxed than the last time I was here, especially as my housemates are all stay-out-til-midnight type people, so I get lots of reading time. Now if only I could get the internet at home, I'd be able to research websites that our teachers give us, such as this one, written by an anti-corruption blogger activist out here. Can't complain though, I have plenty to do, and I managed to snag a newspaper today, so even more translation opportunities. Til next time!

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