Saturday, October 27, 2018

Exercise goals

     In 2017, I somewhat randomly picked a physical fitness goal to hit by 2019: to do a pike-to-handstand (link). I keep seeing it done in "people are awesome" youtube videos, which I watch occasionally as an end-of-day feel-good mood booster, and they look amazing. I found a couple sites that broke it down into separate parts, and I've been working on them as part of my regular workouts.

     In a similar vein, NerdFitness, the geeky website I use for fitness information, released a "Rings and Handstands" pack that takes you step-by-step on how to do things like handstands, handstand push-ups, ring L-sits, ring muscle-ups, and ring front levers. It was half off, as an introductory price, so I went for it, and have been working my way through some of the progressions there, as well, since many of them target the same muscles and skills as pike-to-handstands.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Halloween! (back to sewing)

     Tough decision, but I've put thermoplastics on the back burner for a little bit, so I can get two sewing costumes done. One, for Halloween at work, is Anna from Frozen. I'm not aiming for exact, but I have a green shirt, pink scarf, and black boots, so I decided to make a black vest and blue skirt and call it close enough. I made it my goal to finish the vest this week so I could do the skirt next week, and not be last-minute frantic panicking which seems to be a costume/ cosplay staple.
     This week absolutely conspired against me. I made the decision on Monday, but ran late at the gym. Tuesday was my birthday, and the house needed cleaning. Wednesday I had jury duty, which was literally across the beltway from where I live and got out at 5:30. Got home with enough time to cut the fabric out, fake a workout, and turn in. Thursday was an evening class, and Friday was preempted by a friend having issues.

     Ok, fine, the weekend will be plenty of time to work on it. Except Saturday was lovely, and my gentleman suggested finishing some outdoor work we've been putting off, with a pressure washer that we borrowed from a friend and really need to get back... and I'd been meaning to winterize the garden anyway... and then we'd promised to meet some friends for dinner and card games... and that was the end of Saturday with no sewing done.