Sunday, January 31, 2021

Vakyrie cosplay: Wings part 1

      Long before I seriously got into cosplay, I was fascinated by the idea of making wings. Even ignoring the lure of flight, wings are so intricate that the challenge appealed to me. I knew sewing wouldn't get me the wings I wanted though, and that I'd need some experience under my belt before tackling them once I started doing thermoplastics cosplay stuff. With both Thor and Taboo cosplays completed, though, I felt pretty good about taking on that challenge and finally making myself some wings.

     The last 3-4 months have been a lot of research - on what to use for the wing "bones," how to make them move, how to program the things that make them move, how to make feathers, how wings fold and extend in real life, etc etc etc. After figuring out the materials I'll be using and ordering a ton of supplies, I've broken the wings down into a couple broad steps:

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sketches from 2019

      For stupid cat reasons, I have not slept more than an hour at a time for the last two days. I do not have the patience right now to make a full sketch, so here are two little doodles I did for a drawing class back in 2019. The first one was an assignment to play with texturing; I started at the edges but then got bored as I worked my way in, and turned it into a basket. Which of course then needs something looking in at you. Are they friendly humongous sloths that will free you from the trap you fell into, or horribly cute monsters that have come to feast on their catch? Who knows? 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Email differences

     There is a significant difference in tone on emails between assistance/ executive admins when others are copied vs when it's just the admins. The admin for a company I work with very closely is always very professional and polished when we are "officially" emailing versus when we are working something out between just the two of us. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sylvia Bishop sketch

      I've been wanting to get back to sketching, but let's face it... life right now is pretty dang boring with the pandemic and lockdown. I'm working on some projects, but it'll be a while before they make enough progress to warrant pictures. I mentioned on a social media site that I wanted to sketch again, and someone asked if I was taking suggestions. I figured sure, why not, except they then suggested "a badass dragon!" which my sketch skills are wildly not up to.

     It jogged a memory though... Back in 2018, I started writing a story about Sylvia Bishop - a woman who could talk to plants - based rather loosely on me when I was in my 20s. She would probably run across dragons eventually, right? And her life isn't locked down and boring. Would it work to do random sketches of her while I'm busy not writing that large story out?