Friday, June 29, 2012

FTP 19 - Waiting

     This will be the last FTP post for a while- actually, it will be the last regularly scheduled post at all for a the next two months. In case you didn't know, I left this morning for a seven week trip to see family and friends on the east coast, four weeks of which will be spent in Russia, studying the language and culture at the St. Petersburg University. I have no idea what the internet connection will be like, but when I can, I'll be posting updates about how that trip is going. With that in mind, here is the FTP for the week:

     For the last eight weeks, since finals were done, I have been sitting on my rear end, watching time go by. I had work (part-time, three days a week), and dance class (tuesday and thursday nights) to keep me occupied, but that left a huge chunk of my time completely unoccupied. While I did manage to keep from becoming a total layabout and gaming 16 hours a day, I didn't really feel like I accomplished terribly much, mostly because I didn't. My time was spent preparing for the next year or so of my life which, while necessary, isn't exactly exciting or fulfilling.

     But, starting today, my life is finally getting back on track. I have a fantastic opportunity to study Russian in situ, as it were, and hopefully get fed and not have a creepy roommate this time. Upon returning from this trip, I'll have one week before classes start (which should be fun, since I need to change some classes I'm signed up for, and you can't do that until that week prior!), and then try to find a way to keep my nose to the grindstone and soak up as much Russian as I can, while applying for jobs wherever possible. The goal is to have a job in place by the time I graduate, but we shall see.

     Throughout all this, I want to keep practicing Irish dance which has brought me so much fun and progress in life during the last four years. I also want to keep up on drawing (which I'm not good at) and writing (which I think I am), find a way to maintain proficiency in French (my second language), and continue to build a relationship with Angel (my man out in Maryland). I would love to find a way to add a third language in there, but I suspect that might be overdoing it a touch. So... busy things to look forward to in the next year!

     When you think about it though, that's what life is all about. It can't always be fun and games and getting things done, sometimes you have to slog through those boring times that just seem like planning and planning and planning. Yes, it feels like you're not getting anywhere. Yes, it's boring as sin, and quite thoroughly frustrating as you try to cover all those details. But once everything's in place, and you know things are covered (and that you can handle any emergencies that come up- because you can!), all you have to do is spread your wings and fly...

Come on, let's go. 

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