Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Job and school starting

     With the onset of both school and a new job or two, the time I have available to devote to posting and pictures is going to be rather less than before. Does that mean you get no new rants, off-the-wall explanations or pictures? No! Of course not! They might just be more compact and less ramble-y in the future. Moreover, since I'm going to try to use some of the drawings for my Russian class, as well as for here, I'm debating making the writing in my little doodles be computer text instead of hand-drawn. That way, I can devote more space to the drawing, and not have to make two copies. And, finally, you guys might be able to actually read
what's being said instead of squinting at my awful handwriting. We'll see!

    Anyway, just wanted to send out a heads up that things might be changing a bit, but don't lose hope! You're not rid of me that easily. :) Anyway, here's a little sketch about the first day back to language class, let me know which you think is better!

Option 1: computer wording, to allow for bigger, clearer drawings:

Or option 2: handwritten, though this was done with regular pen rather than the sharpie, so the picture could be clearer:

Or if you have other suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
Edit: And yes, thank you Brit, I know my handwriting is terrible.
Edit 2: Updated the font in the computer text, I might like it, not sure yet.

1 comment:

  1. My opinion )and this time I'll look for the squisy word thing at the bottom to validate that it is me: The 'typewritten' words are easy to read. Use handwritten words when simulating someone handwriting.
