Sunday, October 8, 2017

Rhymes and recipes

     For some reason, the witches' speech from Macbeth was going through my head the other day, and it occurred to me that making a recipe rhyme would probably be very handy back in the days before writing and recipe boxes were common. Without more ado, then, here's a modern recipe in rhyme form:

Trail Mix Cookies

Laughter, love, and lots of kisses,
Time to fill some cookies wishes.
Foil cover a cookie sheet,
Set the over to 350 heat.

Mix softened butter, just one cup,
Four whole eggs, beaten up,
A half cup each of sugar grains:
Brown and white, to ease the pains.

Beat it well, then give it power:
Four scant cups of plain white flour.
A tsp of salt, two of baking powder,
Mix it up as white as chowder.

A cup and a half of trail mix,
Dried fruit, seeds, or pretzel sticks.
Grease the sheet and roll the dough,
24 balls in the oven go.

Clean up while the cookies bake
For 12 whole minutes, give or take.
When the bottoms are lightly brown,
Set them out to cool down.

Laughter, love, and lots of kisses,
Now you've filled some cookie wishes.

1 comment:

  1. I like the thought, but it takes some skill
    so i don't know that I ever will
    make cakes or cookies that rhyme with sweet
    but I suspect what you make I'll eat.
