Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break

     Spring break started, for me, this past Thursday. Given the usual irregularity of plane tickets, it turned out that leaving early would save me a couple hundred dollars in airfare, so I sacrificed a day or two of work in order to get the lower prices. The flight was bumpy as all get out, but at least it didn't snow, rain, hail, sleet, freeze, or otherwise get delayed. Sometimes, that's all you can ask for.

     The past few weeks have been pretty stressful with graduation looming over me. I try to be one of those people who plan ahead and are prepared for anything, so having an abrupt end to the entire way of life I'm used to is a bit unnerving. This weekend helped that no small bit, just by my gentleman and I being able to find an affordable place to live. It's not our dream place, of course, but since I don't have a job lined up yet (and therefor don't know where I'll have to commute to or what my income/ budget will be), we opted to err on the safe side. Still, it's a nice, open place that is roughly the square footage we were looking for, and in a gorgeous neighborhood with lots of walking/ biking paths, so no complaints!

     With the question of a living space settled, "all" that's left to sort out is the actual move itself and a job. I'm slightly less worried about that now, however, as the local community college has a number of language offerings (including Russian!) so, if need be, I can stay in practice that way while I improve my vocab and abilities. What's more, it's pretty centrally located between Baltimore and DC, so neither would be too horrible of a commute, and knowing where my starting point is will give me a better idea of where to look for work.

     On a slightly more personal note, it also sets my mind at ease because my gentleman and I were able to make these choices without anger or conflict. I know it sounds silly, but I have dated people with whom the act of looking for an apartment would have begun an argument. So only four days into spring break, and already life is looking a lot better.

     For the rest of the week, I'll be helping a friend who lives around here, and whom I've not gotten to see for a long time. I'll also continue looking for a job on the off chance I find something amazing and can interview while I'm out here. All-in-all, it's looking to be a pretty decent break. Cheers!

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