Well, I've been here for one week, and so far I haven't died, been threatened, or otherwise come to undue harm. It does amaze me that the other females on the trip are making the guys walk them home, and will only go anywhere in a large group... which means they only hear English. I have walked at least half of the city on my own, and have not yet even felt uncomfortable, much less concerned for my safety. It does help that the nights never truly get dark- we aren't quite at the white nights yet (that's late June), but the best it ever gets, even at midnight, is late dusk-type lighting. Regardless, I have gotten spectacularly lost at times, and occasionally have had to rely on my horribly limited Russian to figure out where the heck I am, and how to get back. It's wonderful, and I love doing it.
Ironically, one of the reasons I've walked the most is that I'm (still!) trying to find the bookstore here. Apparently it's on the lines of a Borders back home, with Russian and foreign books at reasonable prices (ok, maybe only kinda like a Borders), and it's located right across from a metro stop in a huge building that used to house the Singer sewing machine company. Somehow though, perhaps because of my dislike of taking the metro when it's not needed, I cannot seem to locate it! I have walked the entire length of the road it's on, which is over a mile and a half, but I swear to you, the store disappears when I get close to it. Ah, well, it just means the success of finding it will be sweeter when it happens.