Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Flight itinerary!

Ok, everything is finally settled and confirmed, so I feel confident that putting it up here will not jinx anything. (Yes, I'm highly superstitious when it comes to flying... at least the parts that involves tickets and security). My itinerary is as follows:

Friday, May 14th
-Denver to La Guardia, 7:00 am to 12:49 pm, Frontier # 506
-JFK to Moscow, 7:00 pm to 12:30 pm, Aeroflot # SU316 (Now Sat, May 15th)
-Moscow to St. Petersburg, 4:25 pm to 5:50 pm, Aeroflot # SU847

Saturday, June 26th
-St. Petersburg to Moscow, 6:15 am to 7:35 am, Aeroflot # SU858
-Moscow to JFK, 10:05 am to 12:20 pm, Aeroflot # SU313
-La Guardia to Denver, 5:45 pm to 8:11 pm, US AIrways #US6215

The airport in Moscow is the Sheremetyevo International Airport, just in case anyone is interested. As you can see, I'm going to be traveling for 28 hours each way, but either skipping a day or staying in the same day, depending on which way I'm going. This ought to be highly, highly interesting. :)

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