Sunday, September 30, 2018

A setback

     Since most of the weekend was horribly rainy, I put cosplay on the back burner and did a full house clean. I was pleased to discover that I have a complete winter wardrobe ready, and only had 2 plastic grocery bags full of stuff to donate - mostly stuff I hadn't worn all summer or all last winter. The weather finally cleared up this weekend, but Saturday was taken up with a convention (no cosplay - we got off to a late start), which meant Sunday was occupied with domestics. I did get to put a final coat of clearcoat on Mjolnir in the morning, thinking that was the end of painting, and I could finish off the handle and at least check that off my to do list...

     It got a little breezy when we were out; when we got home, Mjolnir had fallen over and messed up the paint on two corners. I sanded them down, put a new coat of paint on, then a new clearcoat. Propped it up carefully so it could dry, and left it alone for an hour or two. Brought it in, went to hand it to my gentleman for his opinion, and it dropped, hit the floor. Three more sides messed up, and the painful realization that this is not going to work. The clearcoat is stiff, and there are too many angles on it to try to be careful and ensure it doesn't hit things (I know I will not be able to prevent it dropping, falling, running into things, bumping other people, etc etc at a con). So... I guess back to the drawing board.

     Update: I sanded all the paint off and tried to grind down the edges where the plast-dip had started coming up. Something happened (not sure what) and the coat of plasti-dip ended up wound around the Dremel head, and ripped off over half of the hammer head. So now it's back to being a naked set of yoga blocks. :(

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